Monday, 22 July 2013

Lunarianism: Orgies and the Lunarianism

  Today I want to analyse the semantics of the orgy for the movement of Lunarianism. Orgy or gang-bang is maybe one of the nicest actions that someone can do, but the nicest is when you do sex one on one. Lunarianism proposes both and wants both. Sex is a gift of nature and we must do it, either individually, either with partner, either with group. What is the purpose of orgy? OK you may tell me that I am with my girlfriend or my boyfriend and I have nice time, why having an orgy then? I don't want to share my partner and I agree with you, it is unfair to share your partner and the other one not to share with you anything. Orgy is the group sexual activity and intends the multiply of the sexual energy of participants in order to get a group ecstasy. An prgy so, it is difficult to organise in action. That's why we need someone to organise the rules, the hierophant - orgiophant - mysta of Lunarianism in order to perform the orgy correctly and no one complain or think that he is underprivileged. Orgy is for all, the purpose of the orgy is sacred, joyful and festive. The purpose of orgy is NOT showing up the greatest "lover", the "biggest cock" or the "woman with the biggest ass", the purpose is the common pleasure of the participants and the harmonization of the body with all of the spiritualism and the ceremonial procedure that imparts the Lunarian orgy. An orgy is not simply an orgy, it is a beautiful and sacred process.
   Let's go into history, away from the contemporary pornographic studios and hyper productions with the artificially "macho man"and "silicon boobies" that for me they don't really have a reliable value and I don't feel an awe for something capitalistic, well polished and made in order to make money. Some nice tries OK but they don't really excite me. What were the orgies in reality? Orgies were an ecstatic form of worshipping and secret mysterious ceremonies. A classical example of the ancient era were the Dionysian rituals, the Cybele rituals, the Eleusinian mysteries, the Osiris mysteris, Shiva mysteries and the Roman Bacchanalia. It is evident that there were sexual practices "fertility" actions but the main purpose was the deification, the unity of the participants with the deity. The most famous orgies in the antiquity were the Dionysian orgies, for his celebration of Death and rebirth. At orgies away from sexual practices there were raw meat eating practices and sacrifices. The overall practices were wine drinking, sexual actions, spiritual practices, use of psychotropic substances, symposia and dances. Unfortunately for the orgies, in 186 bc, the Roman senate tried to suppress and prohibit the Roman Dionysian religion as very subversive and dangerous morally and politically. With the advent of Christianity and Islam the orgies suppressed fully till they revive with the witchcraft at middle ages (the famous witch-hunting story) that we have sources from Christians that they did similar practices with the ancient orgies. From the renaissance and after, some hermetic lodges such as "the hellfire club" people performed these practices often too. There are rumours that in these lodges in hellfire club indulged between them sexually and using substances. An another contemporary example is the church of Satan (Anton Lavey). Orgies always done in history and always will be done, either public, either secret. The objective is to continue the orgies, either with spiritualism or not, although it is better with spiritualism, the most important thing is to avoid morals and capitalism i.e. trying to make money with orgies and that is the most dangerous problem in the contemporary society.
   The opinion of Lunarianism is that the orgies must be organised and revive in every manner and beyond Lunarianism...everywhere...globally. Continue and revive orgies everywhere as long as you can. We have to fight moralism, prostitution, capitalism, insecurity etc. Orgies help also to improve our relationship with refreshing partners and to overcome our insecurity with our girlfriend or boyfriend. The objective is joy and pleasure. It is in our hand to continue these practises and fight the establishment and the dark conservative forces of suppression. Beyond Lunarianism I send a global, ecumenical message:
"Save the orgies!"

Dennis Lunarian 
Contact information:

Dennis Lunarian (creator of Lunarianism)
Location: Montreal, Quebec 
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Mysta (priest of Lunarianism) 
Location: Athens, Greece 
Contact Facebook:
Bellator (warrior of Lunarianism)
Magus (Magician of Lunarianism)
Poeta (Poet of Lunarianism)

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