Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Lunarianism: The perfect man. The ideal Lunarian. Ultimus Lunaris

  Today I will say the traits that Lunarianism wants for a perfect man, a perfect man that i think he will be the ultimate personality in the world. That I say Ultimus Lunaris. These traits I think that are the ultimate traits for someone to have them, and they are:
  1. Strong and fit body.
  2. Eating healthy food.
  3. Sleeping very well.
  4. Intelligent. Open minded and non dogmatic.
  5. Sexy.
  6. Proud.
  7. Brave and ready to fight all the external enemies.
  8. Autonomous and fighter of the liberty.
  9. Comfortable and ready to perform every sexual activity even in front of many people.
  10. Comfortable to be eccentric everywhere.
  11. Comfortable to express himself.
  12. Comfortable to desecrate all the gods and social values of every civilization.
  13. Social, friendly and always ready to celebrate.

    Dennis Lunarian 
    Contact information:

    Dennis Lunarian (creator of Lunarianism)
    Location: Montreal, Quebec 
    Contact Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/dennis.lunarian.92
    Mysta (priest of Lunarianism) 
    Location: Athens, Greece 
    Contact Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/patres.lvnarianvs.1
    Bellator (warrior of Lunarianism)
    Contact Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexxgate7
    Magus (Magician of Lunarianism)
    Contact Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superdavebeastula
    Poeta (Poet of Lunarianism)
    Contact Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aris.angerfist

    Lunarianism Facebook Group (join):