The best thing to do when the civilisation is on decay is to be cynic and follow the road of Dionysus, while many people ask me about many things about on how can someone can have good time and being happy in our era, the era of third world economic crisis, the era that the term "family" doesn't really exist because except from myself that I am more social dysfunctional than most people, I look around me and I see even more misery and divorce, the era of fake "freedom and human rights", the era of pseudo-multiculturalism (it doesn't work actually cause people don't really want to stop being chauvinists), the "healthy" capitalistic competition, the rise of European and Islamo-fascism etc etc...the solution of myself is to lower some standards, have my feet on earth, not dreaming that much and follow the road of Dionysus cause the road of Apollo, in my opinion was for other "era" possibly in the 70's.
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